My list of four

Jan 13, 2021

I write lists, I lose lists, I ignore lists - time for change!

Colour My Dreams Studio

During the first week of 2021 I decided I was going to be a proper list writer. Not just the ones that appear in my head and are mostly forgotten, the ones that you actually write down and stick to. Last week I created my first list and I ticked off all 4 items on it, this week I've made my new list of four things and so far have ticked off one item. Feeling very proud of myself.

Physically writing a list is like creating a contract with myself. It’s tangible and not just a jumbled mess of things in my head that might or might not get done. Actually seeing them written down on paper makes me feel more accountable and makes the tasks feel worthwhile. Whatever works heh!

I’m going to try to do this every week and I'm going to do it in an achievable and realistic way. My first task on a Monday morning will be my list. It will only have four items on it and for the rest of the week, Monday to Friday, I’ll do my best to tick off all the items on it.  I think four is a nice round number that isn't too much, nor too little. Some tasks might be incredibly simple and only take a few minutes, but some could be very time consuming, requiring much thought, physical activity or mental resilience. I know I will have to account for life  throwing things at me sometimes and that might make it impossible for me to complete my list. I won’t beat myself up for that. As the saying goes, "shit happens".

What I'm aiming for is do-able tasks, tasks that will benefit me and my business now and in the future; that I 'need' to do for personal and professional improvement and ones that can be achieved. That way I’m not causing myself any stress, I'm not putting undue pressure on myself, nor will I shame myself if things don't go the way I hope they might. I want my list to be my challenge in a good way, not something that will make me feel a failure if I don't tick off all tasks within my allotted timescale. If I carry over from one week to the next, so be it. Some things take longer than anticipated, specially when that shit happens.

Lists are a good way to find a bit of order in one's life. I hope during these difficult times, that my lists will help me prioritise and give me a sense of achievement. We all love being able to finish something, whether it be a housekeeping task, a good book or a marathon (the latter will definitely never be on any list I write - running is not for me). My completed lists will be my little way of patting myself on the back every week. Whether it be a fully or partly ticked list, I know I will have achieved something worthwhile. And how do I know it's worthwhile? Because I wrote the list and I set my own challenge.

Achieving success comes in many ways, but the best way comes from being honest with ourselves and being realistic. I'm enjoying my list writing session at the beginning of each new week, it's inspiring me to be more productive in a more ordered fashion. It's keeping me on track for the week ahead. That can only be a good thing.

Are you a list writer too? What rules do you set for yourself when you write a list? Please feel free to share your successful list writing routine, we can all learn something from each other. During these tough times, it's good to share our successes - even if they have to be socially distanced, virtual celebrations.

Stay safe and happy list writing!

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